Installation and configuration

Respite is best installed with pip:

$ pip install django-respite


In your settings module:

  • Add respite to INSTALLED_APPS
  • Add respite.middleware.HttpPutMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
  • Add respite.middleware.HttpPatchMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
  • Add respite.middleware.JsonMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES

If you’re not just building an API, you might also want to add respite.middleware.HttpMethodOverrideMiddleware to your middleware classes; it facilitates for overriding the HTTP method with the X-HTTP-Method-Override header or a _method HTTP POST parameter, which is the only way to replace, update and delete resources from a web browser.


HttpMethodOverrideMiddleware must be processed before HttpPutMiddleware and HttpPatchMiddleware.


If you are using respite with backbone.js or any other frameworks that uses jQuery.ajax to make requests to the server, you might want to add <script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}respite/js/jquery.respite.js"></script> to your base template. This configures jQuery to be compliant with respite’s way of handling Accept headers.


In order to install and use Respite, you will need four primary pieces of software:

  • the Python programming language version 2.7
  • the setuptools packaging/installation library.
  • Django version 1.3.1 or later.

Development dependencies

If you are interested in contributing to Respite, you will also need to install some or all of the following packages:

For an up-to-date list of exact testing/development requirements, including version numbers, please see the requirements.txt file included with the source distribution. This file is intended to be used with pip, e.g. pip install -r requirements.txt.

Source code checkouts

To follow Respite’s development via Git instead of downloading official releases, please see our Github mirror.

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