
Respite connects views to URLs through resource declarations, each of which define routes for a particular collection of views.

respite.urls.resource(views, routes, prefix='')

Route a collection of views.

  • views – A reference to the class that defines the views.
  • routes – A list of routes.
  • prefix – A string to prefix the routes by, or '' by default.

urlpatterns = resource(
    prefix = 'posts/',
    views = PostViews,
    routes = [


There are two ways in which you might populate the resource’s routes: you can declare them inline using the route function, or reference views that have been decorated with the route decorator.

Inline routes

respite.urls.routes.route(regex, view, method, name)

Route the given view.

  • regex – A string describing a regular expression to which the request path will be matched.
  • view – A string describing the name of the view to delegate the request to.
  • method – A string describing the HTTP method that this view accepts.
  • name – A string describing the name of the URL pattern.

regex may also be a lambda that accepts the parent resource’s prefix argument and returns a string describing a regular expression to which the request path will be matched.

name may also be a lambda that accepts the parent resource’s views argument and returns a string describing the name of the URL pattern.


urlpatterns = resource(
    prefix = 'posts/',
    views = PostViews,
    routes = [
        # Route GET requests to 'posts/' to the 'index' view.
            regex = r'^(?:$|index(?:\.[a-zA-Z]+)?$)',
            view = 'index',
            method = 'GET',
            name = 'blog_posts'
        # Route GET requests 'posts/1' to the 'show' view.
            regex = r'^(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?:\.[a-zA-Z]+)?$',
            view = 'show',
            method = 'GET',
            name = 'blog_post'

Referenced routes

respite.decorators.route(regex, method, name)

Route the decorated view.

  • regex – A string describing a regular expression to which the request path will be matched.
  • method – A string describing the HTTP method that this view accepts.
  • name – A string describing the name of the URL pattern.

regex may also be a lambda that accepts the parent resource’s prefix argument and returns a string describing a regular expression to which the request path will be matched.

name may also be a lambda that accepts the parent resource’s views argument and returns a string describing the name of the URL pattern.


class PostViews:

        regex = r'^(?:$|index(?:\.[a-zA-Z]+)?$)',
        method = 'GET',
        name = 'blog_posts'
    def index(request):

        regex = r'^(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?:\.[a-zA-Z]+)?$',
        method = 'GET',
        name = 'blog_post'
    def show(request, id):

urlpatterns = resource(
    prefix = 'posts/',
    views = PostViews,
    routes = [

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